Meadows Assisted Living Center
Meadows Assisted Living Center is located 4 miles south from the town of Salmon in a scenic area with breath taking views of the mountains and beautiful Salmon River. Amenities' in town include: Hospital, New Veteran's clinic, Shopping, Restaurants and more.
OUR PURPOSE is to provide a home-like atmosphere to care for persons who may be elderly and choose not to live alone, and for those with a disability that requires them to live in a supervised environment.

Let Us Care for You
OUR MISSION is to provide a family environment where, compassion, understanding, structured activities, care and assistance will help our residents to reach their fullest potential and enjoy life.
• We insure that the emotional and social needs of all residents are met through activities of their preference.
• We insure that the physical needs of all residents are met by accessing local Physicians, Dentists, Optometrists, Therapists, Pharmacists and other Professionals to provide for health care, medication management, and healthy, nutritionally well balance meals.
• We meet the spiritual needs of residents through local churches and clergy of the Resident's preference.
• We assist our residents to maintain their highest physical, emotional, and mental abilities, consistent with their medical and/or mental capabilities.
• We believe in and respect the Confidentiality and Rights of Residents.